Bird On A Wire 1990 - Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn
This is one of my favorite movies with Mel and Goldie--they sparkle together. Pop your corn and drizzle it with chocolate and stay awhile because this one is great.
Force of Nature (2020)
Force of Nature (2020)
It would be wonderful to have a person like Mel in our lives--a strong, mature and brave man, especially with our world today.
Two police officers come to the building to tell everyone to leave, because a 160 miles per hour hurricane is coming. When they knock on Ray's (Mel Gibson) door his daughter, Troy (Kate Bosworth) answers it. Ray does not want to leave and while this conversation is going on a robbery is taking place in the building.
This is when the fun begins--Ray will not let the officers have all the fun especially when his daughter is in the line of fire.
Pop your popcorn and drizzle chocolate on it--WOW!!
What news people and reporters do not realize is he also a human like the rest of us and needs his space. If a reporter wants an interview with photos they should get an appointment with him. Instead, when he is trying to enjoy life being a citizen; and they disrespect him as they rush at him flashing cameras in his face and whoever is with him.
Photographers should show more respect for actors and
actress and ask their permission first before taking their photo; and should
never take pictures of their children without approval from the parent(s). I
know this is how photographs make a living; but be professional and not act
like first graders with a camera.
The first movie I had the pleasure of seeing was “Mad Max” and
from that day on I was a Mel Gibson fan. I have enjoyed all his movies with the
exception of one which he was the director—The Passion of the Christ. I cannot
watch any movie where Jesus is hurt and especially nailed to a cross---it is
too painful to watch.
I wish him well on the movie he is
directing in Australia titled “Hacksaw Ridge” if he is directing it will be a
very good movie. I am sending positive blessing his way for a happier life
and career.
Sixty Adorable Actors: Sixty Years Old Plus
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