Daniel Sunjata is an American actor who has acted in films, television and theater. It is difficult to believe he is only 41 years old with a very full resume already in life.
He has 32 titles to his credit and has just finished a movie titled
“Lullaby” a drama which may premiere in 2013---no additional
information at this time.
Daniel Sunjata is a tall dark handsome actor with dimples that accents
his full lips. He is the hunk in my mind when I write some of my poems
as well as other “Eye-Candy Hunks” of my favorite actors. I appreciate beauty
in any living creature (and creature meaning any living person or animal.)
Daniel is now playing
in “Graceland” on USA Network as the renowned FBI agent Paul Briggs. Paul
is the protector of the undercover unit of agents from the FBI, DEA and ICE,
each agent respects him for his knowledge and skills.
One main difference in this unit—the six agents are required to live
together in a beach home in Southern California; which was seized by
the government in a drug raid. This beautiful beach house is now owed by the
government for the benefit of catching drug criminals of the highest order. These
agents are the “Cream of the Crop” the supreme chosen few. The beautiful beach
house is privately known as “Graceland.”
Undercover agents are professional liars as well as the best actors/actresses---as they need to be to save their life---and to protect the other agents. Because in the real world one has to be
persuasive because these criminals will kill without
blinking. So no amateurs can be in the Elite Agent’s Unit---only the best have a chance to survive.
The other actor and actresses in Graceland are magnificent:
Mike Warren ( Aaron Tveit) the newest agent who is stealthfully investigating
Paul Briggs for the FBI; Joe “Johnny” Tuturro (Manny Montana) he is the
toughest and all around most talented---almost a Navy SEAL—not to forget so very
cute---with a big heart; Paige Arkin (Serinda Swan) She is a true
professional and doesn’t mind sharing her knowledge if she thinks it will help
another agent; Catherine “Charlie” DeMarco (Vanessa Ferlito) she is
one of the best actresses to play this type of action, crime drama in
television today--- and so believable in her role—she is a five star actress in
my book of favorites---and Dale Jakes (Brandon Jay McLaren) is simply
magnificent in his role---I would be so afraid of him in real life---he is that
All of these characters have the capability of eliciting belief in their roles and this is how real undercover agents would conduct themselves in the same situations---at least I believe it.
I really enjoyed the movie “Gone” where Detective Powers (Daniel Sunjata)
who had an inflated ego, yes---he was
overconfident/arrogant. He thought his professional surveillance was above
reproach. And sometime even when the---truth is standing in front of him---he
is blind.
This is a really good movie and Jill (Amanda Seyfried) was great in
this movie as were all the characters. The film had some great shots with
the forest in the background including the bridge that crossed a beautiful river that
flowed swiftly through the forest. I would see this film again---it is that
It was especially hard for Jill because shortly after her parent’s
death she was kidnapped and put in a deep hole in the forest. She
managed to get out of the hole after finding human remains in it and was
rescued by a hiker. She was covered with mud and hysterical---as anyone would
be when found.
The police patted themselves on this blue backs for doing a good job of
searching and did not find the hole Jill said she had been in. Now it
is not possible they searched the entire forest inch by inch. But they just knew their search was handled properly because they used police dogs---so they thought they proved their point.
concluded even though she was in bad shape when found that it was all her
imagination and no real kidnapper existed---because she had been under the
care of a psychiatrist at a psychiatric institution after her parents death for a while---therefore to not further the investigation because they were right and just in their decision.
I loved Daniel Sunjata as Richardo “Ranger” Carlos Manoso in “One for the Money” he
and Katherine Heigl had great chemistry together on the screen. And I
would like to see them together again in another movie.

Andie MacDowell played Monique Lamont a Boston District Attorney who is
sexually promiscuous, very wealthy, and politically ambitious as she
wants to be the next governor.
And I have to mention my favorite person Nana (Diahann
Carroll) I just her character Nana in this movie---we all need a lively
fun-loving magical Nana like this one.The Front and At Risk are two movies I will see again---I
really enjoyed them both---and the perfect actors and actresses were chosen for
the roles.
This blog is to spotlight some of my favorite actors and actresses
who have brought so many fans enjoyment and enriched to our lives with
entertainment that lasts a live time. And to accent the pleasure one can always
buy the DVD’s of their favorite movies.
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