Luke was
born on October 11th 1966 in Mansfield, Ohio—he is an American
Actor who actually started his career in 1982 in the NBC
series---Voyagers---with a small part as a prisoner.
He passed away on March 4th, 2019--Our loss is indescribable.
He passed away on March 4th, 2019--Our loss is indescribable
And, we
all know he became famous in ‘Beverly Hills 90210’ playing the role of Dylan
McKay becoming the heartthrob of teenage girls around the world—and older women
too—I am sure.

Some of
my favorite movies are the ones he made for television— Hallmark Movie
Channel—as an Executive Producer and acted in them Goodnight for
Justice (2011),
for Justice: Queen of Hearts (2013) and Goodnight for Justice: The
Measure of a Man
(2012). He played a circuit judge in the Goodnight movies, with each one taking fans on a new and
exciting adventure.
In The
Pledge (2008) He played the role
of Sheriff Matt Austin
whose family was
murdered by an outlaw.
The same
outlaw hired to run a woman and her son off their family ranch of ninety (90) years.
He rescued them from the
outlaw; whom he killed.
The first
movie---Goodnight for Justice---Jason Priestly a friend of Luke's from the
Beverly Hills
directed this movie. John Goodnight witnessed his parents being killed and as a
judge he served the people in the Wyoming territory with
justice. As we all know the law does not necessarily hand out
justice---sometimes the innocence receives injustice.
And, I
understand why the women loved him; is because of the way he looks at a woman with his brown eyes---the heat from them
could melt steel. His sparkling brown eyes caresses and consumes every
detail and he does not care if she knows he is looking. Watching his eyes
pass over a woman’s face and body is part of his charisma.
He treats
woman with great respect and has never been married; however he may have a child by one of the women he who
broke his heart. He is a very savvy man who can defend himself and is
not above joining in a shoot-out with the sheriff of the local town
he is visiting as a
Goodnight believes in the law, but not lawyers. He feels lawyers are all about winning, and before he was appointed a judge---he had never lost a case as a lawyer. His ethics are above
reproach by anyone.
I hope he
makes more of the Goodnight for Justice Movies---I have all three DVD’s and watch them over and over as I do all my
entire favorite movies.
Johnson County War (2002) with Burt Reynolds,Tom Berenger and Luke Perry—this
is an
adventure---where the realism of raw times in the west become
depicted on-screen---three great actors who are my favorites.
I love cowboy movies with the
beautiful scenery, the beautiful horses, the outdoor adventures with handsome cowboys
who know how to treat a
woman---that is the cherry on top of a good storyline. I hope
Luke will make more movies in this genre.
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PurvisBobbi44 is the sole author of this article and if it is seen
else on the Internet or in print it was taken without my consent.
for Justice---Click Link Below---Thanks
Sixty Adorable Actors: Sixty Years Old Plus